Phone: 262-334-4340
Important note/Privacy notice:
I use this e-mail address only for routine matters, such as scheduling appointments. I do not use e-mail to discuss the content of your psychotherapy or other protected health information. My e-mail goes through a server that is not encrypted to protect health information. It is possible that a third party could gain unauthorized access to any message you send or receive from me. If you are contacting me regarding an emergency, including a last-minute cancellation, please do not use e-mail. I do not check e-mail daily. I generally respond to e-mail messages within 48 hours.
Layne brings compassion, care, experience and expertise to facilitate each healing Yoga Counseling session. With 18 years experience as a Professional Counselor in Mental Health and 13 years in Yoga, she is passionate and knowledgeable about the transformative power of Yoga and Counseling and personal growth. Layne facilitates a weekly online Yoga + Mindfulness group at Kettle Moraine Counseling.
Yoga Counseling increases well-being and health, body awareness, emotional regulation, confidence, response to stress, and healthy connection to oneself and others. Yoga Counseling reduces physical discomfort, emotional stress and strain, and symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD and trauma, ADHD, and more.
Yoga Counseling sessions offer a comfortable and gentle approach to learning and practicing mind body tools to support mental health in your everyday life. Group attendees will gain insight into the mind-body connection, regulate emotions, manage challenges, and better understand oneself.
Sessions may combine a combination of breathing techniques, affirmations and intentions, meditation and mindfulness practices, physical movements and poses, relaxation, and visualization. Throughout sessions, attendees will learn accessible and actionable coping skills that can be utilized immediately. No yoga experience is necessary, and all physical abilities are welcome. Sessions can be completed seated in a chair or on the ground on a yoga mat or towel.
Layne believes in connecting people to their hearts, bodies, and authentic selves through intentional mind-body practices. She believes in helping people create a life of presence, ease and joy. She believes in helping people honor their true inner desires and purpose, through self-kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance. Layne aims to help people develop and confidently utilize skills to make lasting and fulfilling lifestyle changes.
Register for the weekly group today by calling 262-334-4340, talking to your Kettle Moraine therapist, or emailing Layne at